Oncology 2nd Opinion

Not just a 2nd Opinion, a Second Chance!

Oncology 2nd Opinion

When diagnosed with cancer, it is normal to wonder if another doctor could offer a different perspective. You might want to consult another doctor who can look at your test results, talk with you about your personal situation, and maybe give you a different take on it.

A second opinion is an important step that plays a critical role in understanding the type of cancer, assessing its progression and coming up with an effective treatment plan. Before proceeding with the treatment, getting a second opinion on your available diagnosis can ensure that you have the most accurate diagnosis and the best care plan.

Oncology 2nd Opinion and its benefits

Getting a second opinion means having another medical specialist, or a team of medical specialsits, review all of your existing medical reports and test results, give an opinion about your diagnosis and suggest treatment options. A second opinion may confirm your primary physicians diagnosis and treatment plan, suggest additional treatment options you hadn’t considered, or recommend a completely different course of action.

Our detailed second opinion reports thoroughly review your diagnosis, treatment options, and provide recommendations regarding your care, including answers to your personal questions.

A second opinion comes in handy in the following scenarios:

1.) If the patient fears a misdiagnosis
2.) The diagnosis is unclear
3.) The patient has questions for which he seeks answers
4.) The treatment offered is causing undesirable side effects
5.) The cancer is not responding to the current treatment
6.) The patient is uncomfortable with his/her doctor, the diagnosis and the treatment plan

A second opinion helps you in becoming an informed, active partner in your healthcare and guides you in selecting a treatment plan that is best suited for you.

We Offer:
1.) Oncology 2nd Opinion Services
2.) Radiology 2nd Opinion Services